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Evans Sabwami

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.” PROVERBS 3:5-6 (NKJV)

It's our heart that often fails us.

As a pastor, I've been included in many a eulogy. I can remember hearing these words at the passing of a businessman and friend: "Because of the stress and pressures he faced in business, his heart failed him."

The hidden meaning behind these words was clear. His heart gave out, it failed or quit on him, because of stress, fear, and the concerns of what the world was throwing at him. He was such a brilliant and talented leader. Wealthy. Strategic. Visionary. And yet, all of his wisdom and understanding was not enough to lean on. I have a feeling that there was always a lingering question, "Am I getting it right?"

There will always be questions in our hearts and minds if we are leaning on our own understanding.

It's totally different when we rely wholly upon the wisdom of God and can clearly and unashamedly declare, "I am NOT a self-made man. I lean on the Lord. It is clearly God who has gotten me this far. Without him, I would be lost trying to live life on my own."

As God's people, we can always depend upon him. It's when we are not leaning wholly upon him and we start trusting ourselves that we begin to second guess our own decisions. We wonder, we lack confidence, we worry, fret and stress out ... and our hearts can fail us.

So, starting today, meet with God every morning in prayer, consult his Word for direction, and commit yourself to live the life that God would have you live. He will lead you, guide you, and set your paths straight. You have his word on it.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do?

Now talk to God…

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