“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” 1 PETER 4:8 (NIV)
Love is all you need. That's pretty simple isn't it?
The grammar in this passage is very interesting here. Now, don't tune out just because you heard the word "grammar." Listen to this: It is just as acceptable, in the original language, for the verse to be read one of two different ways.
You could say: "When I truly love you in a deep way, I will forgive you completely and tenderly." Or, you could say: "When I love you deeply, God himself will forgive my multitude of sins."
Either way, love is all you need. This means that I have been called upon, by God, to love you in such a way that I quickly drop any offense that I might have toward you. I live a life of love and accept you, warts and all, just as Jesus accepts you-and how he has accepted me too for that matter. It also means that when I learn to love you in this way, God exercises his forgiveness towards me and I live a life that is filled with grace, acceptance, and the favor of God. Love is all you need!
So how do I do it? Here are some ways to love from 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. (Go see for yourself.)
Be patient with someone today who is a little slower than you when it comes to "getting it."
Be kind to someone who needs a little extra help - offer it to them without their having to beg you for it.
Don't boast about yourself today. Find someone else to be proud of and let them know it!
Don't get angry. Stay cool. Take a deep breath and carefully explain your feelings by building a bridge into someone else's life, rather than a wall.
Be protective. Stand up for someone who could use a little extra strength to turn their circumstances around.
Don't give up on anyone. Keep the faith. Hang in there. Renew your hope. Persevere in your love for them.
Love is all you need. So now do it! Love someone else today and you will be graciously loved by God.
What did you hear?
What do you think?
What will you do?
Now talk to God…