“I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.’ PHILIPPIANS 1:6 (ESV)
Don't give up!
I'm pretty sure that most of us have tried to go on a diet from time to time - and have failed horribly! The first day goes pretty well-up until lunch time! Then, you begin to have second thoughts. Your brain starts talking to you and it can make a pretty convincing argument as to why you deserve to quit your diet and "go ahead and eat heartily!"
“You’ve been working pretty hard! You've got to eat to keep your strength up!”
“Look at that meal! Someone went to a lot of trouble. Don't offend them! Eat up!”
“You deserve this treat! People don’t realize just how much you o around here. Live a little!”
It's easy to give up in life. And it's easy to give ourselves a good reason to quit.
We start off in the Christian life with the best of intentions. We say, "I can do this!" That's the first mistake. The passage above tells me that it is God who needs to be at work in me. So ... let God work in you!
Next, we throw ourselves into the Christian life with an inhuman fervor. "I can do this if I try hard enough!" Nope, wrong again. Our confidence must come from knowing that it's God who is putting forth all the effort. So ... put all your trust in him.
Then, we tell ourselves, "I'm going to make it ... I'm going to make it ... " Pretty soon, we are right back where we started and wondering what went wrong. Well, we forgot that it's God who will complete your life in such a way that you will stand victoriously before the throne one day. So ... give control of your life to God today.
Whether it's your diet, your family, or breaking a bad habit, don't quit! God will never give up on you! If God starts something, he never stops until his work is perfectly complete. And that means you!