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Evans Sabwami

“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.”


Do you need wisdom today? God has made an amazing offer that you cannot afford to pass up. He says, “Ask me. and I will you the wisdom you need." So ask ... but be prepared to act on what he tells you. God doesn't offer his wisdom as an opinion to be considered at your convenience. God is not a member of your advisory committee. He is your Lord. His wisdom is truth. You must act on his wisdom if you want him to give you more.

You must come to God with a predisposition to obey. Don't ask him what he wants you to do and then decide to say yes. Start with yes, and then he will tell you what to do. If you're asking God for wisdom but heaven seems silent, then you need to ask yourself, "Am I living by the wisdom God has already given me? Have I been guilty of selective obedience?" After all, why should God tell you something if you are ignoring what he has already told you?

God gives wisdom graciously, "without finding fault." God will not scold you or make you feel stupid for asking. He wants to give you wisdom because he loves you and wants what is best for you. But he wants you to ask in faith. James goes on to say, "But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt.” and not be double-minded (verse 6-8). You must ask God for wisdom, believing that he has the wisdom you are looking for. And you must ask with single-minded determination to live by the wisdom he gives you.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do?

Now talk to God…

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