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Evans Sabwami


"So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

MATTHEW 6:31-33 (NIV)

Jesus' words about what we eat, drink and wear are so practical. He reminds us that behavior reflects belief. If you believe God is your Provider, you will behave that way, obeying him, serving others, and believing "all these things will be given to you as well." Your focus will be on the kingdom of God. But if you believe you are your own provider, you will behave that way, worrying and scrambling to make ends meet. Your focus will be on the kingdom of you.

Jesus contrasts attitudes and actions which are either earthbound (a pagan's) or eternal (a disciple's) life-investments. Some people's investment is earthbound: running from this to that, moving from relationship to relationship, job to job, hobby to sports to recreation, following fads, taking seminars and therapies, and purchasing the latest self-help books. They are often fiscally challenged, squandering money, and using people to try to get ahead. Unhappy and restless, they look for materialistic fulfillment in all the wrong places because Jesus Christ is not the center of their life. They look to themselves to supply their needs.

A Christ-follower's investment is eternal: following Jesus, "seeking his kingdom and his righteousness," building relationships through loving God and serving others, finding meaning and purpose in their work, and regularly dialoguing with God through the Scriptures, worship, prayer, and by listening to the Holy Spirit. They are often fiscally healthy, using money to love God and people. They are satisfied, integrated and content because Jesus is the center of life. They look to God to supply their needs.

So stop stressing about food, drink, and clothes. Start "seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness," as the foundation for life-investing and your financial health.

What did you hear?

What do you think?

What will you do?

Now talk to God…

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