“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
PSALM 91:1-2 (NIV)
I love New York City. It is a huge and important world center where the nations come to meet and exchange ideas and share their cultures. And what a humbling place it is! You are surrounded by monolithic buildings that are at once both beautifully iconic and gigantic in stature. As you walk through the streets of downtown, even in the daytime, you are engulfed by the shadows of these gargantuan skyscrapers that blot out the sun. The city is enormous in every way.
God is just like that city.
The scripture above says that you can dwell in him. He is a whole life for you. You find food and sustenance and love and beauty and truth in him. He is a city unto himself. Dwell in him.
He shelters you. He can protect you from whatever life throws at you. He is so big and absolutely sovereign that nothing can touch you except what he allows. And he only allows exactly what is right for you. Hide in him.
He is so big that you can't go anywhere that he is not in control. His shadow is so vast that it falls on everything, everywhere, and everyone on the earth. No matter where you find yourself in this world and no matter what condition you are in, you can always rest in his shadow and find the help you need. Rest in him.
God is unbeatably strong, preeminently vast, and unstoppably powerful. He truly is a fortress and our refuge. Trust in him.
If life is getting you down, go to the City of the King and take refuge in his greatness, rest in his shadow, and rely upon him to see you through. He will never fail you.
What did you hear?
What do you think?
What will you do?
Now talk to God…