David had many loves, but one we rarely talk about was his love for scripture. This longest psalm in the Bible, Psalm 119, is primarily about a passion for God's Word.
12. I praise you, O Lord; teach me your ways.
13. I will repeat aloud all the laws you have given.
14. I delight in following your commands more than in having great wealth.
15. I study your instructions; I examine your teachings.
16. I take pleasure in your laws; your commands I will not forget.
When was the last time you fell in love with the word of God? When is the last time the word was so captivating you couldn't put it down?
Ask God to rekindle the love for His word. These 21 days you've set apart will be much richer by combining Bible reading with your fasting and prayer. As we fall in love with the Word of God, studying it stops being a job, hearing it no longer is an obligation, and living it is not a chore. His Word becomes something that causes us to REJOICE (Psa. 119:162). You may want to make plans to start a reading plan that takes you all the way through the Bible. How would you describe your passion for God's Word at this moment? Pray today that God will increase that fire in your heart during this time.
If you are a lover of God's word I challenge to meditate on Psalms 119 today. Comment "I did it" when you are done