As a believer, your devotional time must be scheduled. You must meet with God daily. You get alone with God and sit there quietly and talk to God in prayer about the things that are on your mind, and then you let God talk to you through His Word and His Spirit living in you. This is how you experience communion – and that quiet time with God is a worship experience.
Such was the practice of our fathers and mothers of faith. When you read scripture, they had full converstations with God. The talked to God and God did the same. Not just a one sided prayer.
“Blessed is the man who listens to Me, watching daily at My doors, waiting at My doorway.” Proverbs 8:34
Did you notice the word “daily”? What is God saying there? He wants us to have a daily appointment, a daily habit of meeting with Him. Why would God tell you to spend time with Him every day, if He didn’t want to spend time with you every day? Do you realize that? The God of the universe wants to spend time with you! This is important to God. And He always shows up for His appointment.
I want to challenge us to go beyond an appointment to practicing God's presence through out the day.
In the 1600's, the lived a man called brother Lawrence. He learned the art of practicing God's presence. He wrote a little book that might be an interesting read.