"If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’ you are doing right." James 2:8 (NIV)
Garage door openers are a wonderful convenience, aren’t they? When you come home after a long day at work, you can just drive right in and close the door, ensuring you don’t have to see another soul before you reach the comfort of your home.
The American lifestyle has managed to keep from each other and especially Christians from following one of the most basic commands in the Bible: "If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’ you are doing right" (James 2:8 NIV).
Love your neighbor as yourself. It’s such a simple command, yet most Americans don’t even know their neighbors—and you can’t love somebody you don’t know.
Did you know that God enjoys watching the people he created have fellowship with each other? In Zechariah 3:10, he says, "Each of you will invite your neighbor to come and enjoy peace and security, surrounded by your vineyards and fig trees" (GNT).
You probably don't have vineyards in your backyard, but you might have a tree in your apartment common area. Maybe there are even benches! Or if you live in the suburbs, you might have a flower garden, a fire pit, or just a patch of grass. The point is not to have a pretty place to offer, but to make the choice to be friendly and get to know your neighbors.
This is a unique time that offers a lot of opportunities to get to know the people around you. You already know most people are at home right now. Be friendly to everyone. You never know when a friendly gesture might eventually lead to spiritual conversations.
Take your time so you can be present and make more connections with your neighbors. Go to the park and make it a point to talk to at least one person while you’re there. Offer to share a puzzle or a board game with your neighbor. Are you grilling or making s’mores? Move it to the front yard, and share with your neighbors. Do you normally run or jog? Consider walking more and leaving your earbuds at home so it’s easier to start conversations.
Don’t let the culture be your excuse not to follow God’s command to love your neighbor. Make 2023 count by reaching out, opening up, and sharing life with your neighbors so they can one day share eternity with you.
Now you say what has this have to do with consecration? You say"I thought if I please God, mind my business, focus on heaven I am good." No. God says the command to Love him and loving your neighbor is one and the same. He is concerned about each and everyone and he has called us to be His voice, His hands, His eyes etc. He calls us to consecrate ourselves to him so we can to call others to do the same.
I pray for divine connections today..