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Broken and Poured Out. -Mark 14

Evans Sabwami

Broken and poured out. You see those words in both the story of the woman and the last supper. How can you live your life broken and poured out in remembrance of what He has done for you. How can your life be a living memorial to Christ?

Many a time we can't be poured out because we are not willing to be broken. We must be broken before we can be poured out.  Each one of us has 'perfume' inside of us.  But the jar of selfishness must be broken.  When the selfishness and self-centeredness is not broken, the sweet fragrance of perfume can never be poured out.  The more we are broken the more fragrance will come out.

'The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise' (Psalm 51:17).

This brokenness can be the result of repentance from sin, the acceptance of circumstances or the willingness to offer to the Lord that which is very dear to us.  The result will be that a sweet aroma will flow into our own souls and through it to people around us. Talk to God about things in your life that need to be broken and poured out like that vase of perfume.

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